Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!!

We celebrated Mom's Day a day early as Jen had to work a 24-hour shift on the labor and delivery floor on Sunday (helping make new moms!) Saturday was a great day...sunny and almost 70 degrees! We started the morning off with a chance meeting of Kevin, Whitney, and Susie at QCB. After a yummy breakfast, we headed to Great Bear for some nature walking (can't quite call it hiking out there). Then, we came home and Jen went for a 4-mile run with Ellie. While she was doing that, Joe picked up pizza from New York Express Pizza...GOOD STUFF! After lunch, we did an arts and crafts project that resulted in an immediate bath for the little one. Nap time ensued. We had dinner at Wild Sage Grille (can you see how things revolve around food in this family?) and then Jen headed to the symphony with her mom, grandma, and aunt. It was a perfect day...we just wish it had lasted longer.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Ellie walks...kind of

Long video, but you'll get the idea within the first minute. She loves to move...if only we could start doing it for real.