Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Tinguely's Take Over the Rockies

To celebrate Grandpa Tinguely's 80th birthday, the entire family gathered in Rocky Mountain National Park at the YMCA retreat center in Estes Park. Grandpa and Grandma Tinguely had 8 children. Those children multiplied and their kids (Joe and I are some of those kids) multiplied, so it was a pretty big affair! There was lots of eating, lots of card games played, and lots of catching up to do. Oh yeah, we got to go hiking, too! It was a wonderful vacation and we're so glad we were able to make the trip.

Four generations of Tinguely's

A very serious game of cribbage

Ellie was never in need of someone to hold her (sometimes, she even got two holders at once!)

Thanks for carrying me, Dad! I love hiking!!!

Yeah, Mom, you can carry me, too...that'll be just fine.

Can we come back here soon?

Cleaned up from our hike and ready to eat

This one's for you, Dave!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the picture for David- we love you guys!!!!
